Our School
Welcome to Castilion Primary School
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Class Learning pages: www.classdojo.com
'Castilion Primary School is AMAZING! Keep up the high standards.' (Parent Feedback)
'A wonderfully well-led school with a strong leadership team that has a clear vision for the future. Well done Castilion !' (Parent Feedback)
'My daughter has done exceptionally well. This was only achieved due to the hard and hands-on productive work of both the headteacher and the teachers. Transferring her to Castilion was the best decision that we as parents made.' (Parent Feedback)
We pride ourselves in offering innovative and creative practice. We are always seeking new and creative ways of engaging children in learning experiences that motivate and entice them to deepen their understanding and develop a life long love of learning.
'Last year you gave the students a mixture of input which our students rated as 100% outstanding.' (Phil Jefferies: Programme Leader – BA Primary Education)
Engage ♦ Enthuse ♦ Empower
We aim to ensure that children are en aged by their learning, enthusiastic about all aspects of their experience of school and empowered to lead a successful and happy life. We work in close partnership with parents, carers and members of the local community in order to achieve our aims.
'Your school, staff and students are all extremely welcoming and it has been a delight supply teaching for you. The students in your school are wonderful and extremely well mannered.' (Supply teacher)
We have a very close relationship with our community and always listen to the views and desires of children and parents so that we can keep improving and enhancing all that we do. We hold regular coffee mornings so that parents can explore ideas with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. We survey parents to gain their views and ideas for developments and consult with pupils regularly to ensure they have a central voice in school self-evaluation.
'Castilion Primary School is an exceptionally well led school. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the staff for providing my child with such a high quality education.' (Parent Feedback)
We have a strong team of experienced & committed staff working in a modern building with excellent facilities.
'The Headteacher is the best thing that ever happened to the school. He deals with the issues relating to the pupils professionally.' (Parent Feedback)
We are members of the Amadeus Primary Academies Trust (APAT). For more information click below:
Our School is situated on an attractive site in North Thamesmead, adjacent to the River Thames. It enjoys a very favourable reputation and is consequently popular with parents both in the locality and further afield. If you would like to make an appointment to see Castilion for yourself please contact the school office.
We look forward to welcoming you. Yvonne Bishop, Principal
"Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves."
Abbé Dimnet, Art of Thinking, 1928