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Academy procedures in the event of severe weather

As the weather is now changing there is always the possibility of adverse conditions. Could we please appeal to you to ensure your child comes to academy equipped with a coat and hat to accommodate the cold weather and winds that may affect our playground. I would like to take this opportunity to advise parents of the procedures we have in place.

a) Procedures for the start of the day

Every attempt will be made to open the academy as normal during adverse weather conditions, but as a number of staff have substantial distances to travel to the academy this may not always be feasible. Where it is impossible to ensure the health and safety of the children a decision will be made by the Principal to either close or delay the start of the school day. Wherever possible any such decision will be made by 8.15am and parents will be notified by the usual communication system. As it is not always viable to meet this deadline, I do ask that parents use their discretion and either keep their children at home or personally bring them to the academy and wait with them until a firm decision can be made.

b) Procedures for deteriorating weather throughout the day

Should the weather deteriorate as the day progresses and parents are concerned about the health & safety of their children, they should use their discretion and if appropriate, collect them from the academy. The academy does not close, it remains open until the last child safely leaves the building. We ask that parents do not telephone the academy to check this as the telephone lines may be needed in the event of an emergency. Details of academy closure will also be added to the academy website.

Should you need further clarification of any aspect of the above, please do not hesitate to speak to me at the academy. Meanwhile, on behalf of Amadeus, may I take this opportunity to thank you for supporting our policies and procedures, which ensure the health & safety of all in our academy community.

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs Bishop

Principal Castilion primary School

May 2023

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May 2023