Collective Worship

For Collective Worship, the school holds a range of assemblies that can be led by, the Head teacher. Senior staff, Staff, Classes of children, Groups of children, Invited visitors e.g religious leaders, charitable organisations, speakers on a given subject, theatre groups etc.

These assemblies provide a daily act of collective worship in line with statutory guidance but are a key factor in developing Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education across the school. The aims of assemblies at Castilion Primary School are to:

  • develop a community spirit
  • promote the school’s culture, values and expectations
  • explore important moral and social themes
  • promote care for the planet
  • provide important notices and information
  • celebrate children’s successes and achievements both in and out of school
  • share the school curriculum with parents/carers
  • share and celebrate world culture, religions and festivals
  • promote racial harmony and respect for all
  • welcome visitors to lead assemblies and share experiences, values and beliefs

Spiritual Development

Castilion Primary School believes that spiritual development has the following meaning;

To inspire a sense of awe and wonder in the universe and realise that we are an integral part of the whole. To understand and take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions and words and consider how they impact upon ourselves and others.

As a school, we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to begin the journey towards their spiritual development. Our aims are that children and staff will develop/experience:

  • a sense of belonging, worth, purpose in life, wonder and responsibility
  • an understanding of the need for respect
  • self-esteem in their learning experience.
  • a capacity for critical and independent thought.
  • their emotional life and express their feelings.
  • moments of stillness and reflection.
  • discussions based on their beliefs, feelings, values and responses to personal experiences.
  • worthwhile and satisfying relationships.
  • time to reflect on, consider and celebrate the wonders and mysteries of life.

Moral Development

Castilion Primary School believes that moral development has the following meaning;

Children will be helped to attain a sense of right and wrong in the context of school rules and in the wider perspective of society’s expectations. Children will be encouraged to distinguish between right and wrong choices and to address difficult choices by developing the skills needed to make these choices.

We believe that Castilion’s current Behaviour for Learning and Ready to Learn Charters will support the moral development of the pupils. As a school, we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to begin the journey towards their moral development. Our aims are that children and staff will be able to:

  • Have a clear understanding of what is acceptable and otherwise in society.
  • Respect others opinions and self-worth.
  • Have the skills and self-confidence to stand up for what they believe to be morally right.
  • Gain the confidence to cope with setbacks and learn from mistakes.
  • Develop moral acceptable and independent points of view.
  • Recognise the unique value of each individual.
  • Show respect for the environment.

Social Development

Castilion Primary School believes that social development has the following meaning;

Social development is how each individual child learns to find themselves and interact successfully within their community (family, school and the wider social community). It is based on their evolving knowledge, understanding and respect of their own, others and collective heritage, beliefs and values. It allows individuals to make decisions about how they should act on their own and with others.

Castilion Primary School S.M.S.C. Policy Page 4 As a school we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to begin the journey towards their moral development. Our aims are that children and staff will be able to:

  • Understand their place in the world
  • Create meaningful relationships with all people (including those different from themselves)
  • Develop Tolerant and respectful behaviour towards all
  • Make informed decisions about how to respond in the wide range of social situations they will face
  • Challenge anti-social behaviour positively.

Cultural Development

Castilion Primary School believes that cultural development has the following meaning;

Cultural development is about recognising individual backgrounds, heritages and race. It promotes acceptance of their own and others culture. It is not just about an individual’s immediate culture but the understanding and acceptance of the different cultures of those around them, the wider community, country and the world as a whole. Cultures do not stay the same and they change and develop as we gain more understanding of the world around us.

As a school, we aim to provide learning opportunities that will enable pupils to begin the journey towards their cultural development. Our aims are that children and staff will be able to:

  • Develop tolerance, acceptance and be open-minded of all cultures.
  • Experience a multi-sensory approach to cultural diversity.
  • Feel valued no matter what their culture.
  • Experience different cultures from the immediate and wider communities.
  • See cultural diversity as a positive.